Office 2021 for windows 10
Office 2021 for windows 10

office 2021 for windows 10

It's a bit of work but once you get through it it's pretty straightforward. Then when that's done, run setup to install it. Then from the deployment folder run setup to download the binaries. Then create a file called configuration.xml, update the Product ID and PIDKEY according to your needs and I suggest disabling OneDrive on RDS: It would be better to use KMS but as long as you have a MAK key you just need to download the Office Deployment Tool from It just has to be a volume license, no retail. Microsoft are pushing away from local RDS as a solution in favor of VDI with Azure virtual desktop or Windows 365 so keep this in mind long term if you only want this service to last a couple years or if you will take a different route that will last longer than 2 years If you use any form of Microsoft 365 service you will have to use either 2021 LTSC Or M365 business premium (or above)

office 2021 for windows 10

Office 2019 is losing access to M365 Services this October while this doesn't nessarrly mean it will stop working then and there I would not touch it with a 10 foot pole Microsoft 365 Apps is supported on Windows Server 2019 until October 2025

Office 2021 for windows 10