Messenger login without facebook
Messenger login without facebook

However, you can go to Account Settings -> Notifications and set up your preferences for notifications on post updates. One of the few downsides to using the mobile site is that it doesn’t behave like the app and walk you through setting up notifications. Step 4: SET UP NOTIFICATIONS IN MOBILE FACEBOOK It isn’t mobile friendly, but at least you’ll be able to access and respond to any messages in Messenger. The best workaround for how to access Facebook Messenger without the App is to use the full desktop version of Facebook. One of the downsides to the mobile browser version of Facebook is that it doesn’t allow you to access Messenger. Not a huge loss there from a user experience. One thing I’ve noticed that don’t seem to come through on mobile are Canvas Ads. Basically all functionality is accessible through the mobile version including Ads and page management. You can also put a bookmark icon on your home screen so access closely mimics using the App. Make sure to bookmark the page for quick access. Instead of opening Facebook from an app, simple use the mobile version accessible through your phone browser. Step 2: OPEN SAFARI OR CHROME ON YOUR PHONE Don’t worry, none of your content will be deleted.

messenger login without facebook

This is a simple, but necessary first step. Step 1: DELETE THE FACEBOOK APP AND MESSENGER APP

messenger login without facebook

If you’re still feeling a little creeped out following Zuckerberg’s testimony in Congress this week, fear not, we’ve got the answers for how you can use Facebook without the App and avoid life-imposing consequences altogether. Facebook hasn’t done much to calm fears in the wake of continued concerns. People have posted plenty of videos perpetuating a conspiracy theory about the stalker feature of the Facebook Messenger App see here and here.

messenger login without facebook

Let’s face it, we’re all paranoid about using the Facebook App on our iPhones.

Messenger login without facebook